Zen Project 8 30 Day Challenge: Turn Improved Habits Into Phenomenal Results

Sandro Schätz
3 min readOct 16, 2021

We all know dieting is hard. REALLY hard. Especially when things like National Doughnut Day, the extended holiday season — with National Bacon Day right in the middle of it — and other events interfere with your plan to stay “on plan.” As January and February have come and gone, it’s likely your weight management resolutions have followed suit.

Well, if you think you can’t bounce back after an indulgent Super Bowl or Valentine’s Day, think again!

The Zen Project 8 30 Day Challenge for Distributors in North America was created to help people no matter where they are in their weight management journey. The driving force of the Jeunesse ZEN BODI system, ZEN Project 8 is different than fad diets because it’s not a diet. Zen Project 8 is a lifestyle program. The best part about Zen Project 8, though, is that you’ll be guided through 3 easy-to-follow phases with premium ZEN BODI products, expert coaching and the amazing “can’t fail” reinforcement that comes from the support of the always active Zen Project 8 community of like-minded participants.

It starts with you taking stock of your daily habits and replacing them with healthy ones to help with you weight management. Consider the theory that your body is a vehicle. To run optimally, it needs premium “fuel” and routine…



Sandro Schätz

UX/UI Designer | Musician | Thinker | Marketer | Musing about life, business and money. Learn how to make money online: https://makemoneyandthrive.com